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Alun Salt
Alun Salt
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The arrogance of Physicists?

Following my problems with 56 as a convincing argument, Steven Thomson has some thoughtful comments one why physicists might have skills they can offer other fields.

h/t ScienceSeeker.

Biblical Hallucinogens: Lacking context

A Review of Methodology in “Biblical Entheogens” at Archaeoporn saves me the effort of writing a similar post. Basically the biological/psychological aspects might be sound, but there’s no real historical or archaeological context to the idea. Without that, as…

Quantum as anything

There’s an article that bothers me this week in New Scientist(subscription). It’s written by an intelligent person and published by some intelligent people. Yet when I read it, it seems utterly trivial. My first reaction is that I’m missing the point, but I can’t see where. The article is “The…

It’s good, but is it Science?

There was an interesting page in News @ Nature yesterday. Ruth Ludwin, a researcher at the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network at the University of Washington in Seattle, has been studying stories from the Salish people of the North American west coast about a’yahos, a…